Welcome to the AttackMap of NetWatch. You will see attacks on here in realtime as they hit our sensors

NetWatch collects data from attackers through a global sensor network, allowing cyber-defenders to identify and protect against attacks, as they happen. With sensors across six continents, we currently harvest information on more then 10mn attacks per day.

Have we sparked your intrest?

Well, contributing to NetWatch is easy and allows you to help against cyber-attacks by turning your systems into NetWatch sensors. You can find more details on how to register and isntructions on how to set up the sensor at the Community Page

You want to know how the system works?

Have a look at the talk we gave at the 38th Chaos Communications Congress in December 2024 (here) which will provide you with the details of how the global system is set-up and what we can do with it.

More interested in the data?

All NetWatch data is available publicly on GitHub, you can finde a daily summary here. If this is not enough and you are interested in real-time threat information, or would like to integrate NetWatch directly into your products or services, please reach out to the NetWatch team at contact@netwatch.team